Two parallel universes
The intimate space
- That's where life passes
- It's a space specific to everyone, varying and adaptive
- Its natural border is modesty
- Only love allows it to be temporarily crossed
- It's a powerful link
- We are guests in the intimate of the other
- Judgement opposes the intimate, passion animates it
- Nesting
- It's after the intimate,
- Extension of modesty, it allows you to live the intimate
- It channels force into Defence, protects the fragility of the intimate and the exhausting life.
- It structures the peace necessary for everyone's development
- The nascent home is the refuge of the couple's life, it is the space of harmony and harmony
- This shared space delimits new common borders, new exchanges, new defences in the name of the couple.
Life in ten verbs
1° Love : That's where we come from
2° To grow : To become stronger
3° Understand : We and what surrounds us
4° Learn : From experience to memory
5° To be : Graduated, recognised
6° Do : Good and lasting
7° To have : Fruit of work
8° Sharing : The beginning of wisdom
9° Disappear : Tired
10° Hold : All life, hold on and don't give up
Why are we talking about it?
What borders are we talking about?
They are trained to appreciate and transmit life.
Welcome post
What do you mean? Impossible, a couple has no boundaries!
In theory, a couple seeks harmony, unity...
This harmony is the art of accommodating the differences that compose it. It is based on mutual respect and trust.
The practice is different, daily life, habit, fatigue and stress change the way we look at our partner.
The positive vision of the couple shows the complementarity of its components,
The negative view of the couple emphasises the differences and oppositions.
The objective of this site is to offer reference points, exchanges and knowledge to avoid the pitfalls of the borders in formation.
Your opinions and experiences are the basis of these reflections in a spirit of respect and tolerance.