The intimate space
July 1, 2022 at 8:24 am,
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It is difficult to talk about borders without mentioning the spaces they delimit.
Several relational spaces (respect, trust, sharing) are built and coexist when the couple is formed.
Development spaces specific to everyone, whose success leads to the strength and self-confidence of each and the couple.
Shared spaces for the common valorisation of project, culture, discovery, ethics, ... and intimate spaces that will transmit life.
- The intimate:
- That's where life passes
- It's a space specific to everyone, varying and adaptive
- Its natural border is modesty
- Only love allows it to be temporarily crossed
- It's a powerful link
- We are guests in the intimate of the other
- Judgement opposes the intimate, passion animates it
- Nesting
- It's after the intimate,
- Extension of modesty, it allows you to live the intimate
- It channels force into Defence, protects the fragility of the intimate and the exhausting life.
- It structures the peace necessary for everyone's development
- The nascent home is the refuge of the couple's life, it is the space of harmony and harmony
- This shared space delimits new common borders, new exchanges, new defences in the name of the couple.